O excerto a seguir foi retirado de um artigo publicado em uma revista online: Ten Philosophers Summarized Into One Sentence Philosophy can be the most interesting topic in the world. The problem? These books are so dense, and you need to really slave away to find the nuggets of wisdom. I want to break down 10 philosophers into one sentence. While every philosopher has sought to explore reality, they really are just a confession of their inners fears and desires. Reality can be viewed in so many ways. Let’s take a look! (…) Disponível em: < bradislava. Medium/ten-philosophers-summarized- into-one-sentence-e9c472ab0756>. Acesso em 5 de novembro de 2021. Adaptado. De acordo com o conteúdo do texto, leia as alternativas a seguir e assinale a correta.