Chore the correct awnswer tô complete the Present Perfect sent...

Chore the correct awnswer tô complete the Present Perfect sentences .
1- We _ married for about fifteen Years.

a) Are been
b) Have been
c) Were been
d) Has been

2- I _ my aunt since last weekend.
a) Can't visit
b) Don't visit
c) Didn't visit
d) Haven't visited

3- How long _ your brother Anne?
a) Has known
b) Does known
c) Did known
d) Will known

4- My grandparents _ for twenty minutes a day.
a) Are walking
b) has walked
c) have walked
d) walks

5- That lady _ for the buss since noon.
a) Has waited
b) have waited
c) was waited
d) is waiting

6- _ you _ there since you finished college?
a) Do work
b) Did work
c) have worked
d) Has worked

por favor, me ajudem!!!​

Chore the correct awnswer tô complete the Present Perfect sentences ....1- We ________ married fo

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