I know your text interpretation is awesome. So, shall we? Jane...

Nicolas Rios

I know your text interpretation is awesome. So, shall we? Jane and Carol have a flight today. they are going to Canada. They are in the airport and they have a lot of luggage. their flight is at 4:45 p.m. They have to check in and there are many people in front of them. They aren't late, so Jane is waiting to check in and Carol is reading a magazine. They are very happy because when they arrive in Canada, they,re going to meet some friends. Respondaas perguntas:
A)Where are Jane and Carol going to?
B)What time os the flight?
C)Are there many people to check in?
D)Who is reading a magazine?
E)What are they going to do in Canada?​

1 Resposta

Paola Amorim


A) Jane and Carol are going to Canada.

B) The flight is at 4:45pm.

C) Yes, there are many people in front of them.

D) Carol is reading the magazine.

E) They are going to meet some friends in Canada.

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