My friend Josh and Lucas lived near my school. We were good fr...

My friend Josh and Lucas lived near my school. We were good friends and sometimes went to the park in the afternoons. Josh loved to play catch and Lucas and I loved to play hide and seek. Sometimes, Lucas came to my house and we ate pizza and drank orange juice. One-time Josh’s mom baked an apple pie, and it was delicious! When school finished, Josh and Lucas traveled to Istanbul, Turkey. They loved Istanbul and its delicious food. They even sailed in a big boat. I did not travel and stayed at home with my family but I had a lot of fun with them. We watched movies, went to the park, learned how to make chocolate cakes with my mom and played lots of video games.

1. Who loved to play catch?
2. Did Josh and Lucas live near my school?
3. Did Lucas’ mom bake an apple pie?
4. Who traveled to Istanbul?
5. What did Lucas love to play?

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