Reescreva as frases em inglês (Simple Past) 1 . She went to th...

Manuela Navarro

Reescreva as frases em inglês (Simple Past) 1 . She went to the university yesterday morning .
Negativa :
Interrogativa :

2. I bought biscuits in the supermarket one hour ago .

3 .Elisa got a fever in july .

4 .You slept too much this morning !

1 Resposta

Tira Duvidas

1. I overslept yesterday. (Eu dormi de mais ontem).
2. I told I was a trouble! ( Eu te falei que eu era encrenca!)
3. She cried a lot! (Ela chorou muito).
4.We went to the movies with Sarah. ( Nós fomos ao cinema com a Sarah)
5. I played soccer here . (Eu joguei bola aqui)
6. He met a friend at the party. (Ele conheceu um amigo na festa)
7. They saw a dead dog on the way. (Eles viram um cachorro morto no caminho)
8. My great grandfather died last year. (Meu bisavô morreu no ano passado)
9. Maria ate too much cake! (maria comeu bolo demais!)
10. We wanted your help. (Nós queríamos a sua ajuda)
11. Ryan cleaned his office yesterday night. (Ryan limpou o escritório dele ontem a noite)
12. My mother washed my clothes. (My mother washed my clothes)[
13. There were togather to the theater.(Eles foram juntos para o teatro)
14. Sandy gave me a gift. (Sandy me deu um presente)
15. My father drove me to school last week. (Meu pai me levou para a escola semana passada.)

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